Antibody-based diagnostics and therapeutics
Liselo has developed a range of antibody-based diagnostics and therapeutics targeted at agricultural, veterinary, and primary healthcare challenges in the developing world.
This includes the manufacturing of labeled affinity-purified antibodies used in lab-on-chip-based diagnostic kits, as well as antibody-based immunotherapeutic candidate drugs. Some of these therapeutic antibodies are polyclonal whilst others are chimeric monoclonal or “multi-clonal” in the targeted animal species.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Liselo deployed PCR diagnostics across SADC, and produced a candidate immunotherapeutic drug for severe COVID-19 disease cases as well as post-acute sequelae of SARS CoV-2 infection.
Vaccine and other Immunotherapeutic Drug Development
The team has developed a number of immunotherapeutic candidate drugs for the following diseases which are currently at various stages in the drug development cycle, with some already undergoing clinical evaluation:
- African Horse Sickness Virus VLP vaccines
- Rift Valley Fever Virus VLP vaccines
- Influenza A and B Universal VLP vaccines
- Rotaviral infections pre-exposure prophylaxis
- Cervical Cancer pre and post-exposure vaccines
- Venomous snakes of Southern Africa antivenoms and topical remedies.
- COVID-19 disease post-exposure prophylaxis
- Antibiotic replacements for Animal feed.
- E.coli vaccine for poultry
Biomanufacturing Process Engineering
Innovations in bioprocess engineering of vaccines and other immunotherapeutics including monoclonal antibodies, are key to equitable access to these life-saving interventions in LMIC’s. The cost of vaccines and antibody-based therapies are prohibitive and hence their developmental potential to improve health is often not met.
Liselo has been funded through two rounds of funding by the South African government to develop novel, cost-effective methods for manufacturing, and this patent-pending technology is now being evaluated at an industrial scale at the CSIR.
Single Cell Biology
Studies using lab-on-chip microfluidics to isolate single cells allow us to build high-resolution transcriptomics data for drug discovery and clinical research. Samples from clinical trials are used to generate transcriptomics data allowing for rapid safety and efficacy studies in humans and animals. Liselo’s scRNA-Seq capacity is also being integrated into its biopharming platform through the rapid generation of large cDNA libraries, and subsequent cloning and expression of candidate therapeutics.
Information Technology
Liselo Labs Mobile App development partner, Bengo Systems, focuses on integrating our various solutions into convenient Mobile-based tools for end-users and more efficient stakeholder engagement. Our telecommunications experience is leveraged to provide integrated and connected solutions, driven predominantly by mobile connectivity.
Government departments, NGOs and researchers around the world utilize our systems to access critical data in disease and pest monitoring and management. An example of Mipha’s relevance is the recent addition of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak maps, and a tutorial showing infographic information about the disease. The “Mipha” app available on Playstore and Appstore represents the world’s first “One Health” App and is linked to a nanotechnology-powered molecular biology tool in the form of a range of rapid test kits.
Venomous Snake Diagnostics and Therapeutics
Liselo is currently conducting trials on a range of snake antivenom products, that promise a lower-cost alternative to horse-derived products, without the risk of anaphylactic complications.
The combination of a safe and cost-effective antivenom is a desperately needed tool, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where hundreds of thousands of people die annually from venomous snake bites. Millions of survivors of snake envenomations are left maimed or disfigured due to late or inadequate treatment, and improved treatment regimens are needed, particularly treatments that can be administered within minutes of envenomation.
Visit our snake bite emergency information page in the event of a snake bite.
Research Partnerships and Collaborations
Liselo has active collaborations with the Lesotho Department of Agriculture, the North West Agriculture Department in South Africa. Collaboration with academia around the world plays an important role in unlocking the value of innovation in universities. Collaborations include the Biopharming Research Unit of the University of Cape Town, The Entomology Department at the University of the North West, the Centre for Nanoscale Systems (CNS) at Harvard University, the Central Univerity of Technology in the Free State, the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Imperial College London’s Chanjo Hub.
Other Partnerships
Liselo is part of the “NuGrainSA Consortium”, which is currently co-coordinating the introduction of Quinoa to Lesotho, and the development of a pathogen-free seed bank for the SADC region. This represents a significant regional strategy to improve food security through the introduction of nutritious climate-smart crops like Quinoa.